Augury Rock bonus after completing Factions/Nightfall?
I have a Tyrian monk whom I ascended when I was lvl 13 (so I didn't get the ascension bonus). She went on to complete Factions and Nightfall as well, but I see that I only need a couple more bonuses to get Protector of Tyria. I currently have Thunderhead Keep bonus left, yet my title progress is 23/25, so I figure the 2nd objective is to get the ascension bonus. After defeating the doppelganger a few times, all in about 15 seconds, I still have not received any credit for the bonus.
Can anyone explain what might be going on? I've heard that if you do Nahpui Quarter in Cantha, then you cannot get the experience reward for Ascension, but apparently you are still awarded credit for completing the mission. It seems I am not receiving credit for the bonus, and I'm curious is that is intentional or a bug, or maybe I'm just completely blind and I'm missing another bonus I just skipped over.